Tioti TV+ for iPhone, iPod touch in the App Store today

It’s a really good idea to catch-up our favorite TV contents amid the dramatic increase in the number of channels available today. And now, we — iPhone users at least — don’t need to confuse choosing some 300 channels ago for 8.30pm, for example. Just use this applications.
The company explains:
On start-up, Tioti TV+ immediately displays ‘now and next’ information for all UK TV channels. Precisely which channels are displayed is completely customizable; choose to display only those channels available to you according to your TV package, or choose channel-by-channel which ones to display or ‘turn off’.
Opening a particular programme causes the typical listings-style programme information to be displayed. But this is the point at which Tioti TV+ starts to shine.
You can choose to ‘mark’ programmes, then, after perhaps marking multiple programmes across multiple channels, you can select ‘My TV’ – which promptly causes Tioti TV+ to display your personal TV channel, showing which channel to be watching, and when, in order to fit in everything you marked.
If you’re not going to be at home or even if you’re on the other side of the world on holiday then, if you have the Sky+ service, you can use Tioti TV+ for the iPhone to remotely set your Sky box to record any programme with just two clicks, ready for viewing when you get home.

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